Cartesian time-domain PMLs in ngsolve

6.4. Cartesian time-domain PMLs in ngsolve#

Using netgen.geom2d the PML domain can be generated automatically

from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.geom2d import *

geo = unit_square
normals = geo.CreatePML(1)['normals']
{'pml_bottom': <netgen.libngpy._meshing.Vec2d object at 0x73df04318070>, 'pml_right': <netgen.libngpy._meshing.Vec2d object at 0x73df043180b0>, 'pml_top': <netgen.libngpy._meshing.Vec2d object at 0x73df043181b0>, 'pml_left': <netgen.libngpy._meshing.Vec2d object at 0x73df043180f0>}

The normals in the relevant exterior domains are returned as constant vectors

mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.05))
('inner', 'pml_bottom', 'pml_corner', 'pml_right', 'pml_corner', 'pml_top', 'pml_corner', 'pml_left', 'pml_corner')

On this domain we want to approximate the problem to find \(p,\hat p\in H1, v,\hat v\in (L^2)^2\)

\begin{aligned} \partial_t \int_\Omega v\cdot w &= -\int_\Omega \nabla p\cdot w-\alpha\int_{\Omega_{tb}\cup\Omega_{lr}} v\cdot n n^\top w+\alpha\int_{\Omega_{tb}\cup\Omega_{lr}} v\cdot(\mathbf I-n n^\top) w-\alpha\int_{\Omega_{tb}\cup\Omega_{lr}}\hat v\cdot\left(\mathbf I- nn^\top\right) w +\int_{\Omega_{\mathrm{int}}}f w\ \partial_t \int_\Omega pq &= \int_\Omega v\cdot \nabla q-2\alpha\int_{\Omega_c}pq+\alpha\int_{\Omega_c}\hat p q\ \partial_t \int_\Omega \hat p\hat q &=\alpha\int_{\Omega_c}p\hat q\ \partial_t \int_\Omega \hat v\cdot \hat w &=-\alpha\int_{\Omega_{tb}\cup\Omega_{lr}}\hat v\cdot\left(\mathbf I- nn^\top\right)\hat w+\alpha\int_{\Omega_{tb}\cup\Omega_{lr}} v\cdot\left(\mathbf I- nn^\top\right)\hat w \end{aligned} for all \(q,\hat q\in H^1, w,\hat w \in (L^2)^2\), where

\[\begin{split} n = \begin{cases} (1,0)^\top,& \Omega_{lr},\\ (0,1)^\top,& \Omega_{tb}. \end{cases} \end{split}\]

We set up the appropriate spaces

order = 2
fes_p = H1(mesh,order = order)
fes_v = VectorL2(mesh,order = order-1)

fes = fes_p*fes_p*fes_v*fes_v
p,phat, v,vhat = fes.TrialFunction()
q,qhat, w,what = fes.TestFunction()

p1,q1 = fes_p.TnT()
v1,w1 = fes_v.TnT()

and mass and gradient matrices

B = BilinearForm(grad(p1)*w1*dx).Assemble()

mass_p = BilinearForm(p1*q1*dx).Assemble()
mass_v = BilinearForm(v1*w1*dx).Assemble()

to set up the damping matrices we need the normal vectors as coefficient function

nvec = { mat : ((normals[mat][0], normals[mat][1]) if mat in normals else (0,0)) for mat in mesh.GetMaterials() }

cfn = CF( [CF(nvec[mat]) for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])

we define the damping matrices

pml1d = mesh.Materials('pml_left|pml_right|pml_top|pml_bottom')

dampp_lrtb = BilinearForm (p1*q1*dx(definedon=pml1d)).Assemble().mat
dampp_corner = BilinearForm(p1*q1*dx("pml_corner")).Assemble().mat
dampv_n = BilinearForm(v1*(OuterProduct(cfn,cfn)*w1)*dx(definedon=pml1d)).Assemble().mat
dampv_t = BilinearForm(v1*((Id(2)-OuterProduct(cfn,cfn))*w1)*dx(definedon=pml1d)).Assemble().mat
used dof inconsistency
(silence this warning by setting BilinearForm(...check_unused=False) )
used dof inconsistency
(silence this warning by setting BilinearForm(...check_unused=False) )
used dof inconsistency
(silence this warning by setting BilinearForm(...check_unused=False) )
used dof inconsistency
(silence this warning by setting BilinearForm(...check_unused=False) )

To define the big matrices we need a lot of embeddings. Note that we only use vector operations (instead of applying mass matrices) for the auxiliar variables

emb_p, emb_phat, emb_v, emb_vhat = fes.embeddings

fullB = emb_v @ B.mat @ emb_p.T
dampingv = emb_v @ (dampv_n-dampv_t) @ emb_v.T - emb_v  @ dampv_t @ emb_vhat.T + emb_vhat @ emb_v.T + emb_vhat @ emb_vhat.T
dampingp = emb_p @ (dampp_lrtb+2*dampp_corner) @ emb_p.T - emb_p @ dampp_corner @ emb_phat.T + emb_phat @ emb_p.T

invmassp = mass_p.mat.Inverse()
invmassv = mass_v.mat.Inverse()

invp = emb_p @ invmassp @ emb_p.T + emb_phat @ emb_phat.T
invv = emb_v @ invmassv @ emb_v.T + emb_vhat @ emb_vhat.T

define a GridFunction and set initial values

gfu = GridFunction(fes)
gfu.vec[:] = 0
scene = Draw(gfu.components[0],autoscale=False,min=0,max=0.5)
tmp = gfu.vec.CreateVector()

tau = 0.001
alpha = 5

tend = 2

t = 0
i = 0

while t < tend: = -fullB.T * gfu.vec -= alpha * dampingp * gfu.vec += tau * invp * tmp
     = fullB * gfu.vec -= alpha * dampingv * gfu.vec += tau * invv * tmp

    t += tau
    i += 1
    if i%10 == 0:
        #print("t = {}".format(t),end = '\r')
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 13>()
     25 t += tau
     26 i += 1
---> 27 if i%10 == 0:
     28     #print("t = {}".format(t),end = '\r')
     29     scene.Redraw()
