4.1. Time-integration for the second order systems#

Applying a method of lines approach described in Section 2.2 to the acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic time-domain wave problems (with possibly added damping or some variant of not entirely reflecting boundary) leads to a semi-discrete problem of the form (denoting the time derivative by a dot)

(4.1)#\[\mathbf M\ddot{\mathbf u} + \mathbf C\dot{\mathbf u}+\mathbf K\mathbf u=\mathbf f,\quad \mathbf u(0)=\mathbf u^0,\quad \dot{\mathbf u}(0)=\mathbf v^0\]

where \(\mathbf u\in C^2([0,T];\mathbb R^N)\) and \(N\in\mathbb N\) is the dimension of the discrete space. The matrices \(\mathbf M,\mathbf C,\mathbf K\in\mathbb R^{N\times N}\) are the discrete mass-, damping- and stiffness matrix and \(\mathbf f\in C([0,T];\mathbb R^N)\)

Energy conservation#

The semi-discrete system (4.1) conserves the discrete energy:

Theorem 4.1 (Discrete energy conservation)

Let \(\mathbf u\) solve (4.1) with symmetric matrices \(\mathbf M, \mathbf C, \mathbf K\). Then

\[\dot {\mathbf E}(\mathbf u):=\frac{d}{dt}\frac{1}{2}\left(\dot{\mathbf u}^\top\mathbf M\dot{\mathbf u}+\mathbf u^\top\mathbf K\mathbf u\right) = -\dot{\mathbf u}^\top\mathbf C\dot{\mathbf u}+\dot{\mathbf u}^\top\mathbf f.\]

In particular, if there are no external sources (\(\mathbf f =0\)) and damping (\(\mathbf C = 0\)), the discrete energy \(\mathbf E\) is conserved over time.

Proof. Multiplying (4.1) by \(\dot{\mathbf u}^\top\) from the left yields

\[\dot {\mathbf u}^\top\mathbf M\ddot{\mathbf u} +\dot{\mathbf u}^\top \mathbf C\dot{\mathbf u}+\dot{\mathbf u}^\top\mathbf K\mathbf u=\dot{\mathbf u}^\top\mathbf f.\]

Since for any symmetric matrix \(\mathbf A\) and vector function \(\mathbf g\in C^1([0,T];\mathbb R^N)\)

\[\frac{d}{dt}\left(\mathbf g(t)^\top\mathbf A\mathbf g(t)\right)= \dot{\mathbf g}(t)^\top\mathbf A\mathbf g(t)+ \mathbf g(t)^\top\mathbf A\dot{\mathbf g}(t) = 2\dot{\mathbf g}(t)^\top\mathbf A\mathbf g(t)\]

the claim follows.

Remark 4.1

Usually the matrices \(\mathbf M,\mathbf C,\mathbf K\) are assume to be positive (semi-)definite. Then it follows that the energy \(\mathbf E\) is always non-negative.

For the time integration of wave problems one usually tries to preserve energy.

The Newmark \(\beta-\)method#

For the given time interval \([0,T]\) for \(T>0\) we want to approximate the solution \(\mathbf u\) to (4.1) at \(M+1\) discrete timesteps \(t_j=j\tau\) for \(j=0,\ldots,M\), \(\tau = T/M\). We write \(\mathbf u_j\) for the approximation of \(\mathbf u(t_j)\) (and use similar notation for the derivatives).

Assuming sufficient regularity we have by the mean value theorem that for a fixed \(j\) there exist \(\xi_1,\xi_2\in[t_j,t_{j+1}]\) such that

\[\dot{\mathbf u}(t_{j+1})=\dot{\mathbf u}(t_j)+\tau\ddot{\mathbf u}(\xi_1),\qquad \mathbf u(t_{j+1})={\mathbf u}(t_j)+\tau\dot{\mathbf u}(t_j)+\frac{\tau^2}{2}\ddot{\mathbf u}(\xi_2).\]

Approximating \(\ddot{\mathbf u}(\xi_1),\ddot{\mathbf u}(\xi_2)\) by convex combinations of the approximated values \(\dot{\mathbf u}_j,\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\), i.e., for fixed \(\gamma,2\beta\in [0,1]\)

\[\ddot{\mathbf u}(\xi_1)\approx (1-\gamma)\ddot{\mathbf u}_j+\gamma\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1},\qquad \ddot{\mathbf u}(\xi_2)\approx (1-2\beta)\ddot{\mathbf u}_j+2\beta\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\]

leads to the discrete approximations

(4.2)#\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}&=\dot{\mathbf u}_j+\tau\left((1-\gamma)\ddot{\mathbf u}_j+\gamma\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\right),\\ \mathbf u_{j+1}&={\mathbf u}_j+\tau\dot{\mathbf u}_j+\tau^2\left(\left(\frac{1}{2}-\beta\right)\ddot{\mathbf u}_j+\beta\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\right). \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Additionally approximating \({\mathbf u}(t_{j+1})\approx{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\), \(\dot{\mathbf u}(t_{j+1})\approx\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\), \(\ddot{\mathbf u}(t_{j+1})\approx\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\) in (4.1) yields the third equation

(4.3)#\[\mathbf M\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1} + \mathbf C\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\mathbf K\mathbf u_{j+1}=\mathbf f_{j+1} \]

to close the linear system for the unknowns \(\mathbf u_{j+1},\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1},\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\) for given values for \(\mathbf u_{j},\dot{\mathbf u}_{j},\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}\). Note that the initial data is given by

(4.4)#\[\mathbf u_0 = \mathbf u^0,\quad \dot{\mathbf u}_0 = \mathbf v^0,\quad \mathbf M\ddot{\mathbf u}_0 = \mathbf f_0-\mathbf C\mathbf v^0-\mathbf K\mathbf u^0.\]

The Newmark \(\beta\)-method is well-defined by the discrete approximations (4.2), the underlying system of ODE’s for each time step (4.3) and the initial conditions (4.4). In this general form a \(3N\times 3N\) system would have to be solved in each time-step. In practice this is never done explicitely since there exist various ways to equivalently rewrite it. In fact, the following Theorem gives one general way to compute the single steps.

Theorem 4.2

Let \(\mathbf M\) be positive definite and \(\mathbf C,\mathbf K\) be positive semi-definite. Then the Newmark method is well defined for all \(\tau>0\), \(\alpha,2\beta\in[0,1]\) and initial data \(\mathbf u^0,\mathbf v^0\in\mathbb R^N\). Each step requires one application of the inverse of the matrix \(\mathbf S:=\mathbf M+\tau\gamma\mathbf C+\tau^2\beta\mathbf K\) and vector operations (additions, multiplications by scalars).

Proof. Inserting (4.2) into (4.3) yields and collecting all terms containing \(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{n+1}\) on the left hand side yields

\[(\mathbf M+\gamma\tau\mathbf C+\beta\tau^2\mathbf K)\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}=\mathbf f_{j+1}-\mathbf C(\dot{\mathbf u}_j+(1-\gamma)\tau\ddot{\mathbf u}_j)-\mathbf K(\mathbf u_j+\tau\dot{\mathbf u}_j+(\frac{1}{2}-\beta)\tau^2\ddot{\mathbf u}_j). \]

Now the method can be written in matrix form

\[\begin{split}\mathcal R \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf u_{j+1}\\ \dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\\ \ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1} \end{pmatrix} = \mathcal L \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf u_{j}\\ \dot{\mathbf u}_{j}\\ \ddot{\mathbf u}_{j} \end{pmatrix} +\begin{pmatrix} 0\\0\\\mathbf f_{j+1} \end{pmatrix}.\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\mathcal R:= \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf I&0&-\tau^2\beta \mathbf I\\ 0&\mathbf I&-\tau\gamma \mathbf I\\ 0&0&\mathbf M+\tau\gamma\mathbf C+\tau^2\beta\mathbf K \end{pmatrix},\quad \mathcal L:= \begin{pmatrix} \mathbf I&\tau&\tau^2(\frac{1}{2}-\beta) \mathbf I\\ 0&\mathbf I&\tau(1-\gamma) \mathbf I\\ -\mathbf K&-\mathbf C-\tau\mathbf K&-\tau(1-\gamma)\mathbf C-\tau^2(\frac{1}{2}-\beta)\mathbf K \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

The system above can be solved by backwards elimination where merely in the process of computing \(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\) the inverse of the matrix \(\mathbf S:=\mathbf M+\tau\gamma\mathbf C+\tau^2\beta\mathbf K\) has to be applied, all other operations are vector operations. Clearly the matrix \(\mathbf S\) is positive definite for all parameters \(\tau,\gamma,\beta\) and thus regular.

Stability of the Newmark method#

Theorem 4.3

Let \(\mathbf u_j, \dot{\mathbf u}_j, \ddot{\mathbf u}_j\) for \(j=0,\ldots, M\) be the discrete Newmark approximations for given \(\tau,\beta,\gamma\) and \(\mathbf C = 0,\mathbf f=0\). Then

\[E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_{j+1}-E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j=-(\gamma-\frac{1}{2})(\mathbf u_{j+1}-\mathbf u_j)^\top\mathbf K_{\tau,\beta,\gamma}(\mathbf u_{j+1}-\mathbf u_j)\]


\[E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_{j}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\dot{\mathbf u}_j^\top\mathbf M\dot{\mathbf u}_j+{\mathbf u}_j^\top\mathbf K_{\tau,\beta,\gamma}{\mathbf u}_j\right),\quad \mathbf K_{\tau,\beta,\gamma}=\mathbf K+\left(\beta-\frac{1}{2}\gamma\right)\tau^2\mathbf K\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K.\]

Proof. We start with the change of the energy \(\mathbf E(\mathbf u_j)\) for a given \(j\in\mathbb N\). Due to symmetry of \(\mathbf M\) and \(\mathbf K\) we have

(4.5)#\[\mathbf E(\mathbf u_{j+1}) -\mathbf E(\mathbf u_{j})=\frac{1}{2}(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\dot{\mathbf u}_{j}) +\frac{1}{2}({\mathbf u}_{j+1}+{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K({\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j}).\]

For the increments of \(\dot{\mathbf u}_j\), \(\mathbf u_j\) we obtain

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\dot{\mathbf u}_j &= \frac{\tau}{2}(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})+\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)\tau(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}),\\ {\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_j &= \frac{\tau}{2}(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})+\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)\tau^2(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}). \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Eliminating the increments of \(\dot{\mathbf u}_j\), \(\mathbf u_j\) in (4.5) we obtain

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \mathbf E(\mathbf u_{j+1}) -\mathbf E(\mathbf u_{j})={}&\frac{\tau}{4}(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}) +\frac{\tau}{4}({\mathbf u}_{j+1}+{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})\\ &+\frac{\tau}{2}\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}) +\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)({\mathbf u}_{j+1}+{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})\\ ={}&\frac{\tau}{2}\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}) +\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)({\mathbf u}_{j+1}+{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})\\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

since the first part vanishes due to (4.3). Using again (4.3) and the same reasoning as in the beginning we have

\[\begin{split}\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)({\mathbf u}_{j+1}+{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}) &=-\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})\\ &=-\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}^\top\mathbf M\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1} +\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}^\top\mathbf M\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}\\ &=-\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right){\mathbf u}_{j+1}^\top\mathbf K\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K{\mathbf u}_{j+1} +\frac{\tau^2}{2}\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right){\mathbf u}_{j}^\top\mathbf K\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K{\mathbf u}_{j}\end{split}\]

which gives

\[E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_{j+1}-E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j=\frac{\tau}{2}\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})\]

Since again

\[\frac{\tau}{2}(\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}+\dot{\mathbf u}_{j})={\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j}-\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)\tau^2(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})\]

we obtain

\[\begin{split}E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_{j+1}-E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j&=\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)({\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j}) +\tau^2\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf M(\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}-\ddot{\mathbf u}_{j})\\ &=-\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)({\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K({\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j}) -\tau^2\left(\beta-\frac{\gamma}{2}\right)\left(\gamma-\frac{1}{2}\right)({\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j})^\top\mathbf K\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K({\mathbf u}_{j+1}-{\mathbf u}_{j})\\\end{split}\]

which concludes the proof.

The quantity \(E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j\) is always positive for non-zero \(\mathbf u_j,\dot{\mathbf u}_j\) if the matrix \(\mathbf K_{\tau,\beta,\gamma}\) is positive semi-definite. In this case we call \(E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j\) the discrete energy at timestep \(j\). The matrix \(\mathbf K_{\tau,\beta,\gamma}\) is certainly positive semi-definite if \(\beta\geq \gamma/2\), for any \(\tau>0\).

Theorem 4.3 shows that the discrete energy is preserved if \(\gamma=1/2\). Moreover, the discrete energy \(E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j\) coincides with the Energy \(\mathbf E(\mathbf u_j)\) iff \(\beta=\gamma/2\).

We discuss some specific choices of \(\gamma,\beta\) in more detail:

The midpoint rule time stepping \(\beta = 1/4, \gamma = 1/2\)#

Choosing \(\beta = 1/4, \gamma = 1/2\) Theorem 4.3 yields \(E_j^{\tau,\beta,\gamma} = \mathbf E(\mathbf u_j)\) and \(E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_{j+1}-E^{\tau,\beta,\gamma}_j=0\), i.e., the discrete energy is exact and conserved.

Remark 4.2

Straighforward computations show that the obtained method is equivalent to the method from Section 2.3 and given by the algorithm

\[\begin{split}\tilde {\mathbf u} &= \mathbf u_j+\frac{\tau}{2}\dot{\mathbf u}_j,\\ \dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1} &= \dot{\mathbf u}_j-\tau \mathbf S^{-1}\mathbf K\tilde{\mathbf u},\\ \mathbf u_{j+1}&=\tilde{\mathbf u}+\frac{\tau}{2}\dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1},\end{split}\]

with \(\mathbf S = \mathbf M+\frac{\tau}{2}\mathbf C+\frac{\tau^2}{4}\mathbf K\).

The explicit (Verlet) method \(\beta = 0\), \(\gamma\geq 1/2\)#

for \(\mathbf C=0\) the matrix \(\mathbf S\) which has to be inverted reduces to \(\mathbf M\). Thus the method is called explicit.

Remark 4.3

The explicit scheme for \(\gamma = 1/2\) and \(\mathbf C,\mathbf f = 0\) is given by

(4.6)#\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}&=\dot{\mathbf u}_j-\frac{\tau}{2}\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K\left({\mathbf u}_j+{\mathbf u}_{j+1}\right),\\ \mathbf u_{j+1}&={\mathbf u}_j+\tau\dot{\mathbf u}_j-\frac{\tau^2}{2}\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K{\mathbf u}_j. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

which can be rewritten by

(4.7)#\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \tilde{\mathbf u}&=\dot{\mathbf u}_j-\frac{\tau}{2}\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K{\mathbf u}_j,\\ \mathbf u_{j+1}&={\mathbf u}_j+\tau\tilde{\mathbf u},\\ \dot{\mathbf u}_{j+1}&=\tilde{\mathbf u}-\frac{\tau}{2}\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K{\mathbf u}_{j+1}. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Energy conservation#

Moreover, let \(\phi_n,\lambda_n\) be the normalized eigenpairs of

(4.8)#\[\mathbf K \mathbf u=\lambda \mathbf M\mathbf u\]

Then we have

\[\phi_n^\top\mathbf M\phi_k=\delta_{n,k},\quad \phi_n^\top\mathbf K\phi_k=\lambda_n\delta_{n,k}.\]

Expanding \(\mathbf u_j\) with respect to the basis \(\phi_n\) leads to

\[\mathbf u_j=\sum_{n=1}^N c_n\phi_n,\]

and due to the orthogonality of the eigenvectors we have

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \mathbf u_j^\top\mathbf K_{\tau,0,\gamma}\mathbf u_j&= \mathbf u_j^\top\mathbf K\mathbf u_j-\frac{\gamma\tau^2}{2}\mathbf u_j^\top\mathbf K\mathbf M^{-1}\mathbf K\mathbf u_j\\ &=\sum_{n=1}^N\lambda_n\phi_n-\frac{\gamma\tau^2}{2}\lambda_n^2\phi_n. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]


\[\mathbf u_j^\top\mathbf K_{\tau,\alpha,0}\mathbf u_j\geq 0\]

for all \(\mathbf u_j\) if

(4.9)#\[\tau^2\leq \frac{2}{\gamma\lambda_{\mathrm {max}}},\]

where \(\lambda_{\mathrm {max}}\) is the maximal eigenvalue of (4.8). The condition (4.9) is called CFL condition and yields conditional stability of the explicit scheme, depending on the chosen time-step \(\tau\).